Oase AquaActiv PondClear

PondClear works against impurities which, despite the finest filter technology, cannot be filtered and make the pond turbid. The pond clarifier flocculates floating algae as well as mineral and organic suspended matter.

The floc can then be skimmed off using a net, pond vacuum or filter system. Heavy metals and phosphate – an algae nutrient – are also effectively reduced. For safe use, the carbonate hardness should be at least 3 °dKH. The product should not be used if the pond has sturgeons.

Use biocides carefully. Always read the label and product information before use!

Key Features

  • Effective against fine, non-filterable pollutants
  • Flocculates turbidity-causing particles, such as suspended algae (green water) as well as mineral or other sources of turbidity. Thus this flocculation can be simply filtered or suctioned off.
  • Helps remove phosphates and heavy-metal compounds
  • Use biocides carefully. Always read the label and product information before use!
  • Removes minerals and the remains of organic substances that cause turbidity
  • Binds mineral substances that cause cloudiness
  • Binds organic substances from fish waste or leaves that cause cloudiness
  • Accumulated flocculated material is simply skimmed off with a net

Size  500ml
Suitable for ponds up to max. 10.0  m3