OASE AquaOxy 1000

Oxygen is the elixir of life - also for the up to 10 m³ large pond and its inhabitants, and especially in the warm summer months. The pond aerator, which runs particularly quietly, supplies the pond water with the vital element with 15 watts and 1000 l/h. The 2 air hoses have an optimal length of 5 m and 2 non-wearing aerator stones to allow you flexible installation.

Thanks to its safe 12 V technology, it can even be used outdoors. The handling is also very flexible and comfortable, because the air flow rate is continuously adjustable. The AquaOxy 1000 is optimally matched to the OASE Clear Water System.
  • Outdoor installation possible
  • Special reduced-noise motor technology
  • Perfect oxygen supply of the entire pond
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